Extracurricular activities

Camping program
The camping program at Diamond Creek Primary School aims to encourage independence, enhance social skills, promote decision making and develop self-awareness. Our camping program builds on skills and experiences from year to year.
Students arrive at 8:00am to enjoy a special Breakfast experience at school.
Grade 1
Students participate in a school based camping activity program for the day before returning for a dinner with their peers and teachers.
Grade 2
After spending the day with their Grade 1 peers they stay at the school for a sleep over.
Grade 3-6
Students attend a 2 night each year. These camps are held in a variety of locations and each focus on building resilience, willingness to give new things a go, developing teamwork and fostering independence. At these camps they participate in activities such as The Giant Swing, Flying Fox, Rafting and much more.

Our concert which is held once every two years in term 3 is a highlight for the teachers, students and local community.
The Diamond Creek Primary School concert is a production like no other where the children from Foundation to Grade Six have the opportunity to showcase their dancing, singing and acting talents. The School Concert is based around a different theme for every production and the benefits it provides our students are countless.
Through the use of performing arts, and in particular dance, the students build the confidence to stand up on a stage in front of a welcoming audience of family and friends to put on a marvellous show.
The staff always feels such pride watching their students perform up on stage and the parents are delighted to see it all come together on the night.
The most rewarding aspect of our concert is the enjoyment and fulfilment the students get out of it and the dedication and enthusiasm they display each and every year!

Human Powered Vehicle
The HPV (Human Powered Vehicle) program has been running at Diamond Creek since 2012. Over this time we have experienced some terrific success on the track. More importantly our success is measured by the number of students who participate in the program and the community involvement which is generated. Diamond Creek Primary contributes to the more than 60,000 visitors who attend the event in Maryborough, and it has become somewhat of a tradition that we take students to the event each year.
It is an exciting program designed to provide opportunities for students, teachers, parents and the local community. We all work together to design and construct a vehicle, a machine or innovation in technology that will represent an energy breakthrough.
Each year a team of 12 students is selected to take part in the event. Students work towards improving their fitness, endurance, teamwork and leadership skills over the six months leading up to the race.
The HPV team participate in 2 endurance race days along with a 3-day event in Maryborough. In addition to the race itself students are required to research various aspects and go through a scrutineering session, which focuses on the detail in the vehicle development, and performance. They develop a presentation, which covers all aspects of the event, including the sustainability focus and historical components.
This is a very rewarding program for students, teachers, parents and the community.

Junior Rockers
Junior Rockers run an optional instrumental program at Diamond Creek Primary School to deliver outstanding music instrumental education experiences for our students as individuals or in small groups. They provide weekly guitar, keyboard, drums and vocal tuition and are open to introducing other instruments as well.
The professional and very engaging Junior Rockers teachers have our students keen to learn and share their new skills with their classmates. They organise a Junior Rockers musical soirée at the end of each year to showcase what the students have learned, which is very entertaining and a tribute to the captivating and well-planned programs offered by the instrumental music teachers.
This program is at an additional cost to families.

Victorian State School Spectacular
The Spectacular includes a cast of 3000 Victorian government school students, working towards a common goal in a collaborative, competition-free environment.
Its dual aim is to provide an invaluable performing arts opportunity to Victoria’s government school students and to showcase the enormous talent that exists in our schools. This all comes together in a 2-3 hour scripted show that celebrates a diversity of performance mediums, including choir, dance, vocal, drama, and orchestra.
The Spectacular promotes student engagement and educational outcomes by boosting motivation and student attendance, building confidence and self-esteem, leadership skills, cooperation, collaboration, forging friendships and a sense of belonging.
Students who participate in the Victorian State Schools Spectacular are provided with a unique opportunity to work with internationally renowned industry professionals across all disciplines, as well as the amazing experience of performing live in front of thousands of people.

As part of the Health and PE curriculum at Diamond Creek Primary School, all students are involved in a comprehensive swimming program at Watermarc Aquatic and Leisure facility. These sessions are run by qualified AUSTSWIM instructors, and students are grouped based on their experience in the pool.
Each year level is involved in a week long intensive program in either Term 2 or Term 3. There are many focuses among those are stroke development and water safety awareness.