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Information for parents

Compass Parent Portal

At Diamond Creek Primary School we use the School Management System, Compass. Compass is a web-based system is accessible on any modern web browser using the ‘Compass School Manager’ App. This system enables us to communicate with parents with a secure online portal.


Through Compass we are able to:

  • Post important dates and reminders

  • Update parents on exciting classroom activities through Class News Feed

  • Book Parent teacher Interviews

  • Provide rich and ongoing information in regards to student progress

  • Communicate school new and events through News Feed

  • Inform parents of upcoming extracurricula events such as camps and excusrions

  • Provide detailed student semester reports


As always, regular communication between teachers and parents continues to be encouraged
through either face-to-face interactions, emails, phone calls or appointments at any time throughout
the school year.



School uniform

We have a policy for the compulsory wearing of uniform here at Diamond Creek Primary School. We believe wearing a uniform is an important part of being a school student. It creates an identity for our students by giving them a sense of belonging to our school and to the broader community. Wearing our uniform supports our school values; when our students proudly wear their uniform it adds to the development of a respectful attitude and encourages them to take pride in their appearance.


We believe that school uniform can even improve our students’ learning to some extent, by reducing distraction, and thereby allowing greater focus on their learning; compulsory uniform means students don’t have to worry about choices and competition when comes to their clothes. When everyone is in uniform and therefore dressed the same, worrying about what they look like isn’t so important.


Our uniform is smart-looking and accommodates practical, everyday wear for active, healthy students. There is a range of garment choices for comfortable wear all year round. Our Year 6 students may opt for a special Year 6 polo top and windcheater to make their final year at school quite special. This is another area that our wonderful year 6 students act as role models for our younger students.


We have a specific uniform company that supplies our high quality and long wearing garments both online and from their retail store situated only 10 minutes away from Diamond Creek. Please see the link below. We also offer families the opportunity to purchase identical unbranded uniform through department stores if they so choose.



Outside of School Hours Care (OSHC)


Camp Australia Outside School Hours Care

We are proud to partner with Camp Australia to provide our Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) program.


At Camp Australia, children are at the heart of everything we do. We understand that parents are often juggling multiple things in life, and we want to take the pressure off when it comes to caring for your children. Fostering a safe, inclusive environment, Your OSHC encourages each child to have fun and grow with their peers through enriching and engaging experiences.


CA Logo


Your OSHC Before and After School Care


From Before and After School Care to Pupil Free Day programs, every activity is tailored to the interests and needs of the children in our services. Every week is different and in any one week, children could be participating in science experiments, active play, creative expression and more! We also provide nutritious breakfast options as well as delicious afternoon snacks with a variety of fresh, seasonal ingredients that also meet the dietary requirements of our children. For more information on fees, session times and the map of your service, click below.


Your OSHC Logo


Rocketeers Extraordinary Holiday Adventures (Vacation Care)


Rocketeers Extraordinary Holiday Program is conveniently located at our school. Discover extraordinary adventures during the school holidays as you explore hundreds of unique experiences your child will love.

Let your child learn something new, make new friends and have fun through hundreds of unique experiences! You'll discover various activities that involve fun team challenges, outdoor excursions, arts & crafts, cooking, coding and many more.


Rocketeers Logo


Child Care Subsidy (CCS)


The Australian government provides assistance to eligible families with the cost of approved childcare. The CCS helps to reduce the fees you pay, before you are billed. This means more money in your pocket, whilst your child enjoys the variety of experiences we provide through Your OSHC and Rocketeers. For more information, please visit the CCS page on Camp Australia's website.


All Hands In

Parent contributions

We greatly appreciate the financial contributions made by all families. Information about the parent payments for each year level can be found below.



Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6


Image by Headway

School council

As the governing body of the school, the Diamond Creek Primary School Council plays a key role in our school’s accountability and improvement processes. The School Council works with the Principal to prioritise our students’ best interests, to enhance the educational opportunities for all our students and to ensure compliance with relevant legislation and regulations.


Becoming a School Council member is a rewarding and challenging experience. Being on School Council is a great way to get involved and have a real say in what Diamond Creek Primary School is doing for each student. It is a great opportunity to help present and future students of our school.

The members of School Council support the Principal to provide the best possible educational outcomes for the students at Diamond Creek Primary School.


School Garden

Parent helpers

Parent volunteers


There are many ways that parents can get involved, such as  

  • Assisting in the classroom

  • Assisting during school events

  • Applying to join the school council and/or the Parents and Friends TEAM (see below)

  • Assisting with grant applications


If interested in donating your time, please fill in our DCPS volunteer induction form.

Also note that all of our school volunteers, including parent helpers, need to hold a current Working With Children Check.



Parents and Friends TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More)

The Parents and Friends Team (PFT) strives to develop a real sense of community between parents, teachers and students, encouraging interaction and cooperation between home and school. This group encourages active participation by parents in the life of Diamond Creek Primary School.


The PFT has a ‘friend-raising’ as well as fund-raising role, as such providing for the organisation of social functions for parents and the broader community, as well as organising and running fundraising events. The funds raised by this group provide additional resources for use of students and teachers.


At Diamond Creek Primary School, this group of parents get together once a month and come up with ideas to plan social events and raise money for the school community.

Some of the social events and fundraisers the PFT has run include:

  • Shopping Tour

  • Parents and Teachers Trivia Night

  • Special school celebrations, such as the 140th anniversary celebrations.

  • Special Lunch Days

  • Cake  Raffle for the School Assembly

  • Mitre 10 BBQ

  • Easter Raffle

  • Mother’s & Father’s Day Stalls Christmas Raffle


The PFT is a great way to meet some other school families in a fun environment where lots of laughs are shared. New faces and ideas are always welcome.


Writing on the Board

Transition from Grade 6 to Year 7

We enjoy a close association with the secondary schools that our students progress to. The year six teachers at Diamond Creek Primary School participate in a thorough handover of information about each of our year six students as they transition to year seven at secondary school. We also support our students on their orientation days to secondary school and organise specialised orientation programs for any of our students with special needs.


Our school zone hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones for 2020 onwards.

Information on this site is updated in Term 1 each year, ready for the Year 6 to 7 transition period. 


If you have a question about school zones call the VSBA Hotline on 1800 896 950 or email


SImple School Lunches lasagna.jpg

Simple School Lunches

Simple School Lunches is an online school lunch ordering service, delivering fresh and tasty school lunches and snacks to your child at school. No forms to fill out as it's all online. Simple!


Simple School Lunches delivers to Diamond Creek Primary School on Fridays. We prepare lunches that are tasty, nutritional, cost effective and convenient. Our team delivers them straight to your school in two parts: fruit, vegetables and snacks before 10am and the main lunch just before lunch break. This ensures complete freshness and temperature control. 


Orders need to be placed by 6pm on Thursdays. 






Image by Andrej Lišakov

School Policies

School Based Policies​


DCPS Photographing Filming and Recording Students Policy​


Schools Privacy Policy


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